Apr 29 , 2020
Bill Gates: "Things Won't Get Back To Normal Until We Have Gotten A Vaccine Out To The Entire World"
Bill Gates joined "FOX News Sunday" host Chris Wallace today to discuss his accurate prediction five years ago that the most deadly thing in our future would be a virus.
Gates said the coronavirus is "a nightmare scenario because human-to-human transmittal respiratory viruses can grow exponentially."
"If we had kept on going to work, traveling like we were, you know, that curve would never bend until you had the majority of the people infected and then a massive number seeking hospital care and lots of lots of deaths."
"So, you know, we’ve got to use quarantine, which is an old thing back from the days of the plague as our primary tool," he said. "Fortunately, if we use that well enough, we should, towards the end of this month, start to see those numbers level off. And then if we continue country-wide, and we’re testing the right people to understand what’s going on, which is not the case yet, those numbers will start to go down. And then we can look at some degree of opening back up."
"It is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world," he added.